Keeping Reproductive Health (RH)

Not only is it a vital tool covers the organ, which is the reproductive organ also cover all the genital organs, including the channels of sperm and egg cells.
Reproductive organs is less attention because in our culture, people feel less comfortable discussing sexual issues. In fact, the organ is in desperate need of attention, especially in health and cleanliness. We can maintain the health of reproductive organs in ways that are relatively simple.

Currently, we are specifically going to discuss about the ways that can be done to maintain the health of female reproductive organs. Reproductive organs in women is much more 'complicated' and vulnerable to disease. That's because anatomically, the location of the female reproductive organs inside the body.

Regional Clean femininity
Maintaining the health of reproductive organs in women begins with maintaining cleanliness of female organs. To maintain the cleanliness of the vagina, we need to do is to regularly wash the vulva (vaginal lips) are carefully using clean water and mild soap after every urination, defecation, and while showering. The important thing is to clean the sweat and bacteria that exist around the lips of the vagina. The inside of the vagina will usually be able to keep it clean itself.

Avoid using too often harsh antiseptic soap or a liquid deodorizer to eliminate odors in the area of ​​femininity. Too often wash the vagina with a liquid chemical (douching) and the use of deodorant around the vagina would upset the balance of organisms and vaginal fluids to allow the occurrence of infection in the vagina (vaginitis) and damage reproductive health.

Maintain cleanliness At Menstrual Period
To accommodate the menstrual blood, women are using pads. Pads that need to be replaced approximately four to five times a day to avoid bacterial growth in the pads that are used and prevent the entry of bacteria into the vagina and is more effective for health care during menstruation.

Choosing Lingerie
To consider in choosing lingerie is the material used should be made ​​of cotton so it can absorb sweat and allow skin to breathe. Also, avoid using the clothes are too tight because in addition to stifling, also causes the blood circulation is not smooth.

Cleanliness and health of female reproductive organs or regions can also be maintained with frequent change of underwear, at least twice a day after bathing, especially for active women and is easy to sweat. You also can use panty liners or pads to coat thin disposable underwear.

Check In Routine. It is better to see her doctor specialist genitals on a regular basis (at least once every two years) to detect the possibility of cancer of the reproductive organs. There are two cancers that are often attacked the female reproductive organs, ie ovarian cancer and cervical cancer.

Until now, not yet known exactly what causes cervical cancer. Disease allegedly caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Cervical cancer can arise due to sexual intercourse under 20 years old, have multiple sexual partners, do not treat genital hygiene, having sex with a man who has a pair of cervical cancer, and the result is often smoked.

Doctors usually perform the action pap smears to detect cancer. The procedure istake a small portion of the cell wall of the vagina ( cervix ). These cells then examined microscopically in the laboratory. Currently, the pap smear is considered as the most effective method in detecting cervical cancer, with 90-95% accuracy rate.

Well, do not wait until there is disease in your reproductive organs. Take care and keep it clean. To maintain the health of reproductive organs from the inside, you can also take "High-Desert Royal Jelly Liquid" to help the reproductive health system and cell regeneration. In addition, there are "High-Desert Bee Propolis" useful as antioxidants and increase immunity.


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